

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)  

Current Biology

Proceedings of Royal Society B (Proc. R. Soc. B)

Biology Letters

Nature Communications (with special sections on ecology, evolution, zoology, and psychology)

Nature Ecology & Evolution

Scientific Reports

Philosophical Transactions

Royal Society Open Science

Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Public Library of Science- Biology (PLoS Biology)

PLoS One (with a special section on animal behavior)

Animal Behaviour

Animal Cognition

Behavioral Ecology

Behavioral Ecology& Sociobiology

Brain, Behavior and Evolution



Journal of Animal Ecology

Ecology Letters

Trends in Cognitive Sciences

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition

Learning and Behavior

Journal of Comparative Psychology

Advances in the Study of Behavior

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Animal Sentience


Cognition, Evolution and Behavior
Sara J. Shettleworth, 2009. Second edition. One of the best introductions to animal cognition!

Bird Brain: An Exploration of Avian Intelligence
Nathan Emery. 2016.

Animal Social Networks
Editors: Jens Krause, Richard James, Daniel Franks, Darren Croft. 2015.

Dog Behaviour, Evolution, and Cognition
Adam Miklosi. 2015.

Animal Wise: How We Know Animals Think and Feel
Virginia Morell, 2014.

Cephalopod Cognition
Editors: Anne-Sophie Darmaillacq, Ludovic Dickel, Jennifer Mather. 2014.

Tool Use in Animals: Cognition and Ecology
Editors: Crickette Sanz, Josep Call. 2014.

Animal Cognition: Evolution, Behavior and Cognition
Clive D.L. Wynne, Monique A. R. Udell, 2013.

Social Learning: An Introduction to Mechanisms, Methods, and Models
William Hoppitt, Kevin N. Laland, 2013.

The Genius of Dogs: How Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think
Brian Hare, Vanessa Woods, 2013.

Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence 
Editors: Edward A. Wasserman, Thomas R. Zentall, 2009. Second edition.

Alex & Me: How a Scientist and a Parrot Uncovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence--and Formed a Deep Bond in the Process
Irene Pepperberg. 2009.

Exploring Animal Social Networks
Darren P. Croft, Richard James, Jens Krause. 2008.

The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy - and Why They Matter
Marc Bekoff, 2008

Comparative Vertebrate Cognition: Are Primates Superior to Nonprimates? Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects 
Editors: Lesley J. Rogers, Gisela Kaplan, 2003.                         

The Cognitive Animal 
Editors: Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen, Gordon Burghardt, 2002.

Animal Cognition: Mental lives of animals 
Clive D.Y. Wynne, 2002.

Animal Minds: Beyond Cognition to Consciousness 
Donald R. Griffin, 2001. 

Mind of the Raven: Investigations and adventures with wolf-birds 
Bernd Heinrich, 2000.

Animal Cognition in Nature 
Editors: Russ P. Balda, Irene M. Pepperberg, Alan C. Kamil, 1998.

Animal Learning and Cognition: A Neural Network Approach (Problems in Behavioral Sciences) 
Nestor A. Schmajuk, 1997.

Readings in Animal Cognition 
Editors: Marc Bekoff, Dale Jamieson, 1995.


Animal Behavior Society Website


Comparative Cognition Society Website

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Animal Cognition entry

National Geographic Animal Minds

Animal Emotions by Marc Bekoff

Thinking animals: exploring animal minds

Encyclopedia of Life
